Delivering training is easy with the GO1 content library
Improve the quality of your organization’s learning and development program with GO1 content, available direct from your Totara Learn platform.

Thousands of courses, for every organization’s training needs
A single GO1 content subscription provides a comprehensive course library readily available for you to explore – from a network of industry-recognised content providers meaning you can trust the quality of your search results.
The GO1 content marketplace has all the courses your organization needs to meet compliance requirements as well as what you need to develop diverse skills – including training on compliance, soft-skills, professional development and much more – all from within your Totara Learn LMS.
A growing catalogue of content
There are over 100,000 learning resources (primarily SCORM video content) available for your learners’ enrolment. Alternatively, this content can be used to form part of a wider learning solution you can create within your Totara Learn instance.
Content is constantly being added to the library from new providers on new topics, increasing the value of your subscription without you paying anything extra. Plus, when a user leaves your organization, their subscription goes back into your ‘pool’ – ready for the next new starter.
GO1 makes it affordable and accessible for every business to be able to unlock the positive potential of their people.
Thousands of courses
Accessed directly through your Totara Learn platform, the GO1 Content Marketplace provides a cost-effective content solution for your organization’s evolving compliance and skills development needs.
Integrating the Go1 Content Library with Totara Learn
The GO1 Content Library is compatible with Totara Learn version 12 (plus versions 10 and 11 via a downloadable update).
The integration can be activated by a Totara administrative user from within your site’s administration menu. Existing Totara customers are advised to contact their Totara Partner.
Discover the GO1 x Totara Content Integration
Learn how to give your users access to the largest catalogue of professional and compliance training courses.