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Totara Recipe: How to design a successful blended learning programme - Totara Learning
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Totara Recipe: How to design a successful blended learning programme

Blended learning can be a highly successful approach when it comes to achieving business results through learning. Combining e-learning, face-to-face seminars, social learning, gamification, behaviour change campaigns and many other elements can help reinforce your learning objectives through multiple channels for the best results. Our recipe will help you build a blended learning programme which helps you achieve your organisational goals.

  • An audit of all the potential channels in your organisation
  • Space for face-to-face seminars
  • Any supplementary tools or resources for seminars
  • Internal subject matter experts
  • An authoring tool/access to third-party content developers
  • Do your research into how other organisations with similar goals to yours deliver their learning initiatives
  • Conduct an audit of your existing systems with your IT team to ensure they’re fit for purpose
  • Figure out a rollout plan – which elements of the programme will launch first, and which can be added further down the line?
  • Launch the first element of your blended programme and ensure you collect relevant data about progress and performance improvement
  • Flip the learning model with pre-seminar e-learning activities
  • Organise interactive activities, hands-on tasks and group discussions for face-to-face sessions
  • Put clear assessment activities in place (e.g. quizzes, monitored tasks, forum involvement)
  • Experiment with new combinations of modes, channels and media
  • Constantly evaluate the programme and review the learning analytics to ensure it’s performing well and make adjustments where necessary
Serve and enjoy!
  • Ensure you promote the programme effectively to secure great engagement rates
  • Manage the entire programme through your LMS, including seminars, resources and assessments, for a full overview of learning activity


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